
methylcheck.list_problem_probes(array, criteria=None, custom_list=None)

Function to create a list of probes to exclude from downstream processes.

By default, all probes that have been noted in the literature to have polymorphisms, cross-hybridization, repeat sequence elements and base color changes are included in the DEFAULT exclusion list.

  • You can customize the exclusion list by passing in either publication shortnames or criteria into the function.
  • you can combine pubs and reasons into the same list of exclusion criteria.
  • if a publication doesn’t match your array type, it will raise an error and tell you.

Including any of these labels in pubs (publications) or criteria (described below) will result in these probes NOT being included in the final exclusion list.

User also has ability to add custom list of probes to include in final returned list.


array: string

name for type of array used ‘IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC’, ‘IlluminaHumanMethylation450k’ This shorthand names are also okay:

criteria: list

List of the publications to use when excluding probes. If the array is 450K the publications may include: 'Chen2013' 'Price2013' 'Zhou2016' 'Naeem2014' 'DacaRoszak2015'

If the array is EPIC the publications may include: 'Zhou2016' 'McCartney2016'

If array is EPIC or EPIC+, specifying 'illumina' will remove 998 probes the manufacturer has recommended be excluded. The defects only affected a small number of EPIC arrays produced.

If no publication list is specified, probes from all publications will be added to the exclusion list. If more than one publication is specified, all probes from all publications in the list will be added to the exclusion list.

criteria: lists

List of the criteria to use when excluding probes. List may contain the following exculsion criteria: ``’Polymorphism’

‘CrossHybridization’ ‘BaseColorChange’ ‘RepeatSequenceElements’ ‘illumina’``

If no criteria list is specified, all critera will be excluded. If more than one criteria is specified, all probes meeting any of the listed criteria will be added to the exclusion list.

custom_list: list, default None
User-provided list of probes to be excluded. These probe names have to match the probe names in your data exactly.


probe_exclusion_list: list
List containing probe identifiers to be excluded
or probe_exclusion_dataframe: dataframe
DataFrame containing probe names as index and reason | paper_reference as columns

If you supply no criteria (default), then maximum filtering occurs:

  • EPIC will have 389050 probes removed
  • 450k arrays will have 341057 probes removed

Reason lists for 450k and probes removed:

  • Daca-Roszak_etal_2015 (96427)
  • Chen_etal_2013 (445389)
  • Naeem_etal_2014 (146590)
  • Price_etal_2013 (284476)
  • Zhou_etal_2016 (184302)
  • Polymorphism (796290)
  • CrossHybridization (211330)
  • BaseColorChange (359)
  • RepeatSequenceElements (149205)

Reason lists for epic and probes removed:

  • McCartney_etal_2016 (384537)
  • Zhou_etal_2016 (293870)
  • CrossHybridization (173793)
  • Polymorphism (504208)
  • BaseColorChange (406)